SAUD (AL) HRH Prince Turki Bin Mohammad , Chairman Of The Board Of Directors, Educational Services Company (Taleem) Deputy Chairman Of The Council Of Trustees Of Prince Mohammed Bin Fahad University
The Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University is the project that gets Prince Turki most excited. As a chairman of the Taleem Educational Company, he contributed heavily to its establish- ment in September 2006. With an intake of some 700 students, the university specialises in IT, Business and Engineering. It has a capacity of 5,500 students – 3,000 male and 2,500 female students – and is run along American lines; that is to say, it utilises the credit hour system as a measure of course
weight, an intensive bridging programme to prepare entering students for university study, a common core academic curri- culum that forms a common basis for all degree programmes and individual degree majors that provide the academic specialisation and degree awarded.